Set The Mood With These Scents
March 26, 2022

Whether you’re buying for yourself or a loved one, aromas have a lot to do with setting the mood. There’s no better way to give yourself a pick-me-up or a soothing evening than by using bath and body products with the right scent for your intent. Let’s get started!

To relax:

If you want to relax, there are several scents you should look for when perusing the bath and body aisle. Lavender is a very popular one, and you’ll often find it mixed with vanilla. Other scents include ylang-ylang, sandalwood, and chamomile. Eucalyptus is another, as it is excellent for sore muscles. You can easily find eucalyptus bath salts in any bath and body product store or at your local grocery store.

For romance:

Whether heading out on a date or simply staying in, stick with scents that have orange, rose, or ylang-ylang to add a bit of romance to the atmosphere. Give yourself an entire afternoon of at-home spa treatments before dressing up or down, and use a thick body cream at the end, so the scent stays noticeable. You can also get a classy perfume, but don’t forget to try it at least a day or two beforehand to see if you like the way it changes when applied to your body.

For a pep in your step:

If you need a bit of fortification or revitalization, go for bath and body products with citrus tones, such as lemon or lime and mint. If you’re feeling especially brave, you can find one with clove and sandalwood for concentration. Just remember that the scents listed here can be very strong. It’s better to apply a small amount in the form of a hand cream than to go all out head to toe. Plus, it’s easier to reapply hand cream when you’re out and about.

For a cozy evening in:

If you want a Netflix night, go for coconut, apples, cinnamon, or other “spicy” scents. There’s nothing better than curling up on the couch in your favorite blanket and watching your favorite show after spoiling yourself and moisturizing your body. Maybe give yourself a foot rub or use a roller for sore muscles while binging each episode.

If you can’t find the perfect combination, you can always make your own. Remember to buy quality base products such as pure Shea butter or Himalayan salt chunks to add to your essential oils, and be sure not to overdo it. There’s a fine line between smelling lovely and giving yourself and those around you a raging headache.

Even better, for an extra burst of scent throughout your home, many bath and body companies sell candles that match the lotions and bath products on their shelves. Just be sure not to get one that clashes.